As established by the major U.S. traffic laws, a person who is injured in car accident cases has the right to take legal action to defend their rights as a victim and receive every benefit to help them cope with the situation. Therefore, the assistance of car accident lawyers will always be necessary.
Car accidents tend to be one of the most common types of accidents in the United States, especially in cities as densely populated as New York. Looking at the statistics offered by the New York State Department of Transportation (DOT), in the year 2021 there were 274 cases of fatalities in this type of event, which means a clear increase compared to the figures reported in the year 2020.
Given this situation, it is extremely important to know the legal processes to follow after a car accident in NY, in order to ensure the fulfillment of your rights as a victim and receive the benefits that apply to your case.
At Law4you, we can guide you through this legal process, advising you and defending your rights before the necessary authorities. Schedule an appointment with us, or call us at 8559052949, and receive legal assistance from a team of lawyers who will do justice for your injuries.
What are my rights in a NY car accident case?
When you are injured as a result of a car accident, there is a legal process that must be followed so that you can be sure to assert your rights. Remember, as a victim, you have the right to take legal action to defend your position and receive the support of car accident attorneys who can help you recover millions in compensation for your injuries.
This compensation will allow you to recover many of the expenses that may arise after the accident, including those related to your recovery and the repair of property damage to your vehicle.
Keep in mind that, in this type of cases, no matter your immigration status in the country, as a victim you have every right to claim compensation for your injuries so that you can recover without any problems and worries.
What to do after a car accident case in New York?
The minutes after a car accident are crucial for the victim to start the process that will eventually lead them to receive each of the benefits they deserve, depending on the injuries they have suffered.
Here are the 3 main steps to consider after a New York car accident case, so you can be sure that your rights as a victim will be respected:
Report the incident to the appropriate authorities
First of all, it is essential that the case be reported to the traffic authorities of the city of New York, so that an official report can be made indicating the possible causes of the accident, as well as the injuries suffered by the parties involved in the accident.
To make this report you can call 911, who will send a police patrol to study the case, and even ambulances to evaluate the condition of each of the injured parties in the accident.
Gather as much evidence as possible
In order to legally claim the benefits you deserve as a victim, it is important that you have as much evidence of the case as possible, including photographs, videos, and even testimonies from people who witnessed the accident.
If your injuries do not allow you to do this process, you can ask someone else to take photographs of the case, and even request the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of the people involved in the accident, and then initiate the appropriate legal process.
Contact car accident lawyers
Finally, it is important that you can contact a team of car accident lawyers who will be in charge of guiding you through the proper legal path, which will lead you to receive each of the benefits you deserve as a victim of this type of incident.
By working with an auto accident lawyer you will be able to claim your benefits before any legal instance, having the opportunity to receive the millionaire compensation that will help you recover the expenses of your injuries.
You may also be interested in: 3 reasons why you should have a lawyer for car accidents in NY
Do you need an auto accident lawyer in NY? At Law4you you will find the right one
At Law4you we care about your well-being and your health after a car accident case in NY. That is why we fight for the fulfillment of your rights, to achieve the greatest benefits that the law grants you as a victim so that you can recover in the shortest time possible.
Call us today at 855-9052949 or schedule an appointment with us to receive the legal attention of a team of lawyers who know your rights and will enforce them at all times.
El equipo de redactores de Law4you está compuesto por un grupo de abogados especializados en casos de accidentes de construcción, trabajo, de tránsito y lesiones personales. Cada miembro del equipo cuenta con amplia experiencia en su área de especialización y están comprometidos en ofrecer la mejor defensa y compensación a sus clientes de la comunidad latina.